Reading, Pennsylvania’s Premier Co-Occurring Addiction Treatment Center

Deciding to receive professional treatment for a mental health concern and co-occurring addiction is a courageous step on the path to improved health. Tower Behavioral Health provides personalized co-occurring addiction treatment for adults age 18 and older. Our treatment center is a safe and supportive place where adults can take essential steps toward successful long-term recovery from co-occurring addiction.

Learn About Treatment for Co-Occurring Addiction

At Tower Behavioral Health, treatment for adults who are struggling with co-occurring addiction is a highly personalized experience within a supportive and welcoming environment.

When you receive treatment for co-occurring addiction at our center in Reading, Pennsylvania, you’ll work in close collaboration with a team of experienced professionals. Our inpatient program features round-the-clock care and an array of evidence-based therapeutic interventions.

Following a thorough assessment to identify the full scope of your needs, your treatment team will develop a personalized co-occurring addiction treatment plan just for you. Each element of your treatment for co-occurring addiction at Tower Behavioral Health will be customized to ensure that you receive maximum benefit.

The general goals of your co-occurring addiction treatment experience will be to help you achieve stabilization, gain a solid foothold in early recovery, and begin to develop the skills and capabilities that will promote sustained progress toward successful long-term recovery.

Choosing the Right Treatment Center for Co-Occurring Addiction

When you’re evaluating treatment programs for co-occurring addiction, it’s important to understand that there is no such thing as one perfect approach to this type of treatment. Your focus should be on finding the center that provides the type and level of co-occurring addiction treatment that will best address your unique needs.

Getting answers to the following questions can help you choose the right co-occurring addiction treatment center:

  • What type and level of co-occurring addiction treatment does your facility provide?
  • What professionals provide care for patients who are receiving treatment for co-occurring addiction?
  • What therapies and other activities are included in your co-occurring addiction treatment services?
  • Do you provide a personalized plan for each patient who is receiving treatment for co-occurring addiction?
  • Do you provide detailed discharge plans for patients who complete co-occurring addiction treatment?

At Tower Behavioral Health, our treatment services for co-occurring addiction are provided at the inpatient level. Inpatient treatment for co-occurring addiction at our center is an intensive, short-term experience.

The typical length of stay in inpatient treatment for co-occurring addiction is about nine days. During this time, you’ll receive the customized services that will help you achieve stabilization so that you can return home or step down to a lower level of care.

Therapies Used to Treat Co-Occurring Addiction

Our focus on personalized care means that no two people will have identical experiences while receiving co-occurring addiction treatment at Tower Behavioral Health.

Your treatment team will work closely with you and, if appropriate, your family to identify your needs and understand the full impact co-occurring addiction has had on your life. Based on this assessment, your team will select the therapeutic interventions and other services that will help you achieve long-term recovery.

Depending on what’s best for you, your personalized co-occurring addiction treatment at Tower Behavioral Health may include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Motivational interviewing
  • Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) skills training
  • WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan)
  • Individual therapy
  • Group sessions
  • Family meetings
  • Art, music, and dance/movement therapies
  • Medication management services

Prior to transitioning out of our care, you’ll also receive a detailed discharge plan. The purpose of this personalized plan is to ensure that you’re connected with the professional resources and community-based services that will support your continued successful recovery from co-occurring addiction.

Why Choose Our Treatment Center for Co-Occurring Addiction?

When you choose to receive co-occurring addiction treatment at Tower Behavioral Health, you can rest assured that you will receive personalized care, provided by a multidisciplinary team of experts within a safe, supportive, and respectful environment.

The members of our treatment teams are committed to providing superior, patient-focused services in a collaborative manner.

Depending on your needs, the members of your treatment team may include:

  • Psychologists
  • Psychiatrists
  • Psychotherapists
  • Certified psychiatric nurse practitioners
  • Registered nurses (RNs)
  • Behavioral health associates
  • Social workers and case managers
  • Occupational therapists

These dedicated experts will encourage you to play an active role in your treatment for co-occurring addiction, and they’ll empower you to become an informed advocate for your needs so that you can take ownership of your continued recovery.

The Impact of Untreated Co-Occurring Addiction

It is difficult to overstate the potential negative impact of untreated co-occurring addiction. If you need, but do not receive, professional treatment for co-occurring addiction, you may experience ongoing harm in virtually all areas of your life.

Untreated co-occurring addiction can undermine your physical, emotional, social, and financial well-being. The absence of effective treatment to address co-occurring addiction can increase your risk for organ damage and other medical problems, setbacks in school or at work, strained or ruined relationships with friends and family members, and a host of additional problems.

To make sustained progress toward improved quality of life, any care you receive for mental health concerns must include appropriate treatment for co-occurring addiction. When you get help at Tower Behavioral Health, our comprehensive, personalized services will include effective treatment for co-occurring addiction.

Our commitment to identifying and addressing the full scope of your needs ensures that you will be best prepared to make continued progress toward successful long-term recovery from co-occurring addiction.

This content was written on behalf of and reviewed by the clinical staff at Tower Behavioral Health.